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Sept 21 End of Season Update

Sep 21st - End of Season Update

2023 was a great summer for Waters Edge! Thank you Thank you to all of the guests that visited us this year! We appreciate all of you very much. Also, a big thank you to all of our crew!

Biggest halibut for the year was 216 lbs. It was caught on the 24th of August out in the middle of Cross Sound. Ken gets credit for it being on his rod but I think it was a team effort to get that big halibut in the boat. My take on halibut this year was that it was slower than normal. We saw more smaller halibut than in the past.

King Salmon fishing was really good in June; we saw great fishing for Kings the entire month. Most of the King Salmon were caught down the coast. Normally, King fishing ends in late June, but this summer we saw Kings on the dock even into late August.

Silver Salmon typically show up around the end of June, this year they came early, we saw limits of Silver Salmon as early as June 10th. They seemed to peak around the middle of August, and then they just kept getting bigger. The last fishing week, boats were bringing back limits of Silvers around 10:00am.

Pink Salmon this year were in huge supply. They showed up early along with the Silvers. The middle of July seemed to be the peak of the run; they were everywhere. I would say this was the biggest pink run I have seen.

We always get asked what we do in the winter. Jeremy is starting on reel repair, we take each reel apart, clean and inspect each part, then put it back together applying grease in the correct spots. Matt is in Juneau working on getting the boats ready for hibernation, he will clean them, winterize the motors, and then shrink-wrap each boat to keep them protected from the winter snow. Mary and I are starting to really work on the schedules for 2024, 2025, 2026.

Thanks again for a great season, Kelly



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