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May 20th Update

Been a busy last couple of weeks. I have been in Juneau for most of the time. Running errands and helping Matt launch boats. Paul with the Lightweight made another trip out with a big load of groceries for us. On the 18th more help arrived. Construction crew and more summer staff. We have several rotting wood projects to solve, a leaky roof and a rotten boardwalk are being replaced. Amazing to me how fast buildings age up here in Alaska. If the original construction is not done correctly things just do not last. Dawson was out with Jeremy doing some boating/fishing training, and landed a 62 lb halibut! Yes we are eating halibut all week for dinner!! Greg and Nathan Peter are working on the Gift store, The Poulsen crew are working on a leaking roof and new rain gear porch at Mossy Ridge, and Bob is working on repairing the rot on the Mossy Ridge ramp/boardwalk. Looking forward to the start of the guests first arrival, June 2nd.




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