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June recap

June 2023

June is just a great time to be fishing! We have seen some 70 degree weather but for the most part June has been very wet and very foggy. The Kings Salmon fishing has been great this year again. The only complaint I keep hearing is there are a bunch of smaller kings, this year. So even though most of our guests are limiting on King Salmon they are releasing quit a few that are not legal size.

Silver salmon showed up earlier then expected, we normally see silvers in early June but this year we saw boats limiting on Silvers in early June. Pinks were not far behind the silvers and they are also in big numbers. Lots and lots of pink salmon.

Halibut started slow and is still not red hot. Compared to last June I would say this June has not been as good. We are still catching halibut it is just that it is taking longer then normal to get them. I would say the outer coast has been better than the inside waters. Fresh pink salmon continue to be the best bait for halibut, but we have seen them caught on jigs, and herring also. Biggest so far this year is 175 lbs caught by Blake Jensen on June 22nd.

I am doing my best to keep up, I apologize if I have not been able accommodate some of you. I am getting very full in almost every week for 2024. I am also trying to get 2025 season ready. For those that are new to our process, I do everything I can to get our past guests in the week they want before I open the season up to new bookings. I hope to have 2025 ready in the next month or so to open up. If you have fished with us before and want to fish in 2025 please send me an email and see what I can do to get you on the week you want. Thank you again to everyone that has fished with us and who are booked to fish this summer.




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