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June 3 Update

Yesterday was our first day with guests for the 2023 season. Started off pretty good for the first week. 114lb halibut was the biggest. Lots of rock fish and 1 King Salmon.

Was a great feeling to see the dock crew filleting fish, and the fish processing crew vacuum sealing fillets. Monday we get guests at Shoreline, then on the 9th Waters Edge building. I feel like we have a really good crew this year. Lots of new faces, but they all wanna try and are willing to help and this is all you can ask, if they are willing to try in a few weeks they will know a-lot more. Jeremy and Larry went fishing today and have reported limits of Kings and 2 silvers. Today was a really calm day on the open ocean. Just flat calm!

The past couple weeks have been wet, we started the spring off with some sun and almost 75 degree temps then its been a bit wet and 50s for the highs, the last two days it rains heavy then the sun comes out and warms everything up.




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