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June 27th

Shoreline guests went home today.  Always interesting how each group takes on their own personality.  This week we had a couple new boats that had not fished with us.  Always worry a bit about their boating experience and their skill level.  As Hunter was doing the awards ceremony at the end of the week, it seemed like all the big fish were caught by the new guys!!  Awesome to see them do well on their first trip to Elfin Cove.

180 lbs was the biggest for the week, many others in the 100 lb range.  We had a mix of inside waters and outside waters for the big ones.  All were caught on bait.  We had some big tides this past week also, maybe that helped in bringing in those big halibut?

King Salmon continue to be very good.  Still down the coast is the hot spot.  And yes still the big negative are the jelly fish.  Not much change in the silvers and pink salmon, we are catching a few but nothing in big numbers yet.  I expect that to change any day now.

Weather has been really good.  Almost hot in the cove.  Warm sunny days with calm water in the morning and breezy in the afternoon.  Forecast for this next week has 10 kts winds.  Yahoo!!!

Funny story our landline phones have not been working, I was standing in the kitchen with Bruce and the phone rang, wow have not heard that sound for a long time, “Hello - It was a salesman wanting to sale us on a new merchant account, we hung up , and the phone rang again, this time it was someone wanting to book a trip!  Bruce and I were like wow I guess we should get the phones fixed faster in the future.  I am seeing lots of emails and phone calls about booking for 2025 & 2026.  I hate telling someone NO.  If you are holding a spot and you think there is a chance you will not be fishing with us for some reason, please let me know ASAP so I can free up a boat for someone.  Mary will be sending out 2025 and 2026 invoices for everyone to try and firm up who is attending.




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