June 24th Fishing Update
June 24 Fishing Update
King Salmon remain strong. They are all being caught down the coast. We are seeing many small kings. Silvers are in big time. Pink salmon are in also. King salmon still seem to be deeper 70 - 100 feet, pinks are also deep and shallow, silvers seem to be in the top 40’. I have not heard of a color that seems to work better, I think it is all working right now, big boils of bait being spotted near the surface.
I worry the silvers and the pinks are going to make it hard to catch King Salmon there are so many it is hard to keep them off the hook.
Halibut has shifted gears, we are seeing much better halibut fishing this past week. One was 74” long. Many limits of halibut coming into the dock.
Weather update is FOG, on the other side of the pass it is warm and sunny but out on the coast it is very foggy. Very glad we have the Noble Eagle to allow us to still travel even with the fog.