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July 9th Fishing Update

July 9th Update

The Pink salmon hit the coast on July 7th. Big schools of pink salmon! You could see them on the surface with their fins out of the water, birds all around them. The halibut fishing is going to catch fire! This week again most of the guests were focused on halibut not salmon. We did have one boat yesterday get their limit of silvers. The dock crew are reporting pink salmon in the stomachs of the halibut now also. Lemesurier Island was the hot spot for this week for halibut. My son Jake each winter studies the map and finds a new halibut spot he wants to try. This year it was between the red can and Lemesurier Island in 270 feet. I tried to talk him out of it, I like fishing shallower water. We got anchored and the current was fairly strong, we cut a herring in half at an angle put it on our Gamakatsu hooks and dropped them down. Wasn’t 5 minutes and we had a nice one on. Jake reeled him in. I took his rod and he harpooned it. It ended up weighing 70 lbs. We stayed another hour and the tide changed and started to get some waves rolling us around so we decided to call it a day. Always fun fishing with your kids! We had a great 4th of July celebration. Eagle Charters again did fireworks, they did an amazing job. The greased pole contest was won by Haydan from Tanaku Lodge. We even had a great parade around the boardwalk. Very grateful for the country we live in!!




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