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July 26th

Fishing has been good! I heard Sean say out of the past 9 years this was the hottest best salmon fishing he has seen. I think the Pink salmon might be at the climax or peak of their run. Pink salmon are everywhere. Many boats are limiting on Silvers also. The biggest problem for Silver salmon fishing is that there are so many pink salmon it makes it challenging to find the Silver Salmon. One boat limited on Silvers at Lemesurier Island, but the majority of them were caught down the coast. We did have reports of good silver fishing in front of Three Hill. I think we are a week or so away from seeing the silver salmon explosion. Last year Aug 4th was a big change for silvers, will be interesting to see if that happens again. It does not seem to matter what you use, just get something in the water. Silvers seem to be in the tops of the water, 10 - 50 feet. When the fishing is hot like this I suggest just using 2 rods, 2 rods in the water will keep you very busy, then you just take turns grabbing the rod!

Halibut I would say is slower for some this past week. It seems like we are having to work harder to find them. But having said that I had 1 boat get several over 100 lbs. We had halibut caught mainly in the open ocean this past week, I feel that was due to the very good calm water conditions we are experiencing down the coast. The open ocean Cross Sound has been calm for almost 2 weeks. Its awesome!

Was a great week to be in Elfin Cove. We had a crabber stop by also, and so we all got taste some fresh Dungenous crab!




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