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July 23rd Update

I am always amazed at the determination of a fishermen!  Yesterday was one of the nicest days I have seen this summer.  Today is the exact opposite.  25 kt winds with heavy rain.  I guess it is days like today that make you appreciate the warm dry calm water days.

The big story for this update is that the Silver/Coho salmon are slow.  We again had another week with seeing very few silver salmon.  Normally we are seeing big schools of Silvers by this time of year.  Last summer we saw really good Silver fishing by the end of June.  Here we are July 23rd and we are still waiting for that break out day of Silver salmon.  Pink Salmon fishing was much better this week, but silvers were about the same as the week before. Kings are slowing down, but we did have 3 nice ones come in.

Halibut is right on pace for what we have seen in the past.  We are seeing good halibut being caught on the inside waters also the outside waters.  Biggest halibut for the week was 181 lbs!

Another reminder if this is your first time fishing in Alaska or even Elfin Cove, please go to our new guest page -

Check out these links especially the Navionics Chart View, learn as many islands and inlets as you can.  Three Hill, Column Point, SoapStone, Yakobi Rock, Inian Islands, Dundas Bay, Idaho Inlet, Shaw Islands, Taylor Bay, Fern Harbor, Port Althorp, George Island. Also the fish identification links are always good to know also.




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