July 15th Update
July 15th Fishing Update
Pinks seem to be everywhere, Silvers have slowed down, we are catching a few but nothing like 2 weeks ago. Halibut have slowed also but still catching some nice ones. Now just a reminder that the fishermen are the other factor in our equation that change each week. We had many that stayed for early bird breakfast this week.
Today the sun is shinning with a nice little breeze. Very nice when it is like this. The forecast for the coming week is light winds. Always love seeing light winds on the forecast.
NE wind 15 kt diminishing. Seas 4 ft.
NE wind 10 kt. Seas 4 ft.
E wind 10 kt becoming W in the afternoon. Seas 4 ft.
Fri Night
W wind 10 kt. Seas 4 ft.
E wind 15 kt. Seas 3 ft.
Light winds becoming W 15 kt. Seas 3 ft.
Light winds becoming W 10 kt. Seas 2 ft or less.
A topic for discussion? To catch a big halibut or not to catch a big halibut?? I know it sounds crazy, but some fishermen actually do not want to catch a big halibut they prefer the smaller ones. I know crazy people??? Others want to catch a big halibut but then they put the halibut rod in the plastic rod holder and then tighten the drag as tight as possible? I know again very crazy people!! Then there are those that do everything right they get a big halibut on and then they tighten the drag just a bit more and ping the line breaks. I know crazy people again. So yes you guessed it the topic of this discussion is big halibut getting away. The big mistake that can be made is the drag being to tight. If you can not pull it out with your hand it is too tight in my opinion. I like to let the halibut take that bait and run with it, this allows that circle hook to set itself as they move and run away. So remember when halibut fishing always check your drag and make sure it is not too tight. Halibut fishing has been really good this year, we had a 107 lb caught on a salmon rod on the other side of three hill this week. Very patient fishermen to lift very careful then reel the line in very careful. 20 lb test salmon line!! They were fishing for black rock fish when the big halibut got hooked up. We have had several reports of salmon sharks circling the boats. I guess we need to get the right gear and go after the sharks. Wouldn’t that be fun to hook into a 6’ shark on the surface??
