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July 14 Update

July 14th Update

Sunday was our first big storm of the season. Forecast was for 25 kts and it was every bit of that, we had some pretty good rain also. We did have one boat that was crazy and went down the coast, but the majority of the fishermen stayed close to home and stayed on the inside waters. The days after the storm were much better and by the 14th it was very nice water to fish on. The guys from Seattle did very well, one day they brought in a 158 lb halibut and the next day a 165 lb. This is the same group who a few years ago was fishing in 50’ of water and had 3 halibut on at the same time and lost the biggest one. The smaller ones came in and weighed around 200 lbs, I forget the exact weights. I guess these guys know how to fish?? Earl Cove & Red Can & Lemesurier Island were the hot spots for halibut this week.

Pinks are going crazy, they seem to be everywhere. Silvers are starting to get more consistent, they still seem to be more down the coast. Out in front of Yakobi Rock was reported to be a hot spot this past week.




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