Jan 24 Update
Jan 24th Update
Was very nice to go back to Sports Show again! Billings MT was our first stop. Weather was great up there and attendance at the show was good. Next stop was Sacramento and Las Vegas. Mary and Claire went to the ISE Show in Sacramento, and Chris and I went to Las Vegas for the SCI show.
The Safari Club International Show was again an amazing event. I am always in awe of the taxidermy and the art at this show.
We were able to meet the Governor of Alaska and attend a meeting with him. If you are able please donate to his campaign at - https://www.dunleavygovernor.com/contact -
I have been doing this for many years, and I have never seen the demand for Alaska like this. We all want to get out in nature and experience what Alaska has to offer. For current openings go to this link - https://www.watersedgealaska.com/copy-of-openings-rates-1 - We will update this as often as we can. Next show is PuYallup WA, hope to see you there!
