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Fuel 2022

Fuel 2022

OK so I got my soap box out so I have a bit of a speech to give. This spring I have been watching the fuel prices go up and up. I really like how we do things, I like including everything in our package price, it just makes everything more simple. I need your help? If you go full throttle 5800 RPMS you will be traveling around 35 mph. At this RPM and speed you will burn close to 20 gallons per hour. If you run at 4800 RPMs you will be traveling around 30 - 32 mph and burning around 10 - 12 Gallons per hour. It really is amazing how much less the outboards burn when you do not run wide open full throttle. So if you could try running the boat just a little slower and see if we can save some fuel this summer, I would really appreciate it.

Lets Go Fishing! Attached are some photos from the past couple days.




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