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End of June Fishing Update

End of June Fishing Update

Our first guests arrived May 30th this year, our first full week was June 5th. From that first week till now has been really good. The King Salmon are maybe not as hot as last year, but last year was like really really good. The dance with the open ocean continues as in years past. There are some days where you just can not get down the coast due to rough seas. But there were many days where the ocean was flat calm. What has made it all worth it is that when you get down there it is just really good fishing. The majority of the boats that went down the coast got their limit of King Salmon this year. 53 King Salmon in one week with 3 fishermen in one boat was the most I heard of. Chris Peter again this year reported getting his limit of Kings by 7:30am. We caught our first Silver in early June, and by mid June started seeing them consistently by now they are really starting to show up. Chums have also been many and good sized this June. Pinks are also showing up in good numbers. The past 2 weeks many of the Mossy Ridge boats are getting fresh pinks each day to go halibut fishing. So I guess to summarize Kings were normal, and silvers and chums and pinks were a bit early and more numerous then normal.

Halibut has been good right from the start, our first guests in June did great on the halibut. At first they seemed to be more out in Cross Sound, but now they seem to be in Icy Strait as well as Cross Sound. We are still not seeing salmon yet in their stomachs, mostly rock fish and octupus. Biggest Halibut so far is 174 lbs, it was caught in the mouth out in front of George Island. We have seen several in the 100 lb range caught in front of George. Cape Spencer, Dundas Bay, Red Can, Bird Island have all seen good halibut come from them also. I continue to believe that the bigger halibut like the stronger current. The fishermen like the smaller tides cause it is easier to fish, but I have for the past few years noticed that the bigger halibut seem to come in during the big tides. We supply the big mustard circle hooks, I have been trying this one and really like it, but it is pricy if anyone wants to bring some really good hooks with them buy these and bring with you - Gamakatsu Big River Bait Hook 12/0 black 3 per pack - $12.95 on Amazon -

Weather - We saw a good 3 weeks of nice weather in June then we had a week or so of rain off and on again, and now for the past 2 weeks we have had really nice sunny weather. I would say in my opinion above average for sunny weather. Hopefully July will bring some more wet weather.

Our crew is doing really good again this year. Mary and I are really happy with how they are working together and helping the guests. There are of course ups and downs if something is not right please let us know we will take care of it. Over all we are really pleased with how our season has started with fish and crew. Bring on July!!




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