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Aug 28

Coho are here! Big change the last few days. Nice big Silver Salmon at Three Hill! This could be the peak of the Silver/Coho Salmon Run! Rob and Ron were back to the dock at 10:00 am with their limit. They are being caught on every color of hoochie, dipsy divers, down riggers, does not matter what you use it seems to be working. I have heard 70' deep but also guests catching them on the surface. Right now is the time! And the weather has been great also. It rained yesterday, but been partly cloudy most days. Today we started out with heavy fog and it lifted as soon as the sun came up.

Halibut was slower this week. We did have a 216 lb come in. But for the most part the halibut are being illusive. The Saddle is where the 216 came from . Rock fish and ling cod were good also last week. Our last fishing day this year is Sep 9th. It won't be long and we will be putting the boats away for hibernation.




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