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Aug 24th

Aug 24 Fishing Update

Love this time of year! Little kids catching big fish! 111 lb Halibut was caught by Ryland! And he got some pretty big Silvers also!

The end of August is a fun time to be fishing. The mornings have a bit of a chill to them, starting to feel like fall. Big Silvers/Coho! From now till the end of the season they will just get bigger.

The weather has been pretty good the last few days. We had two days of blue skies and sunshine. Today is overcast with showers (perfect). Supposed to stay with this pattern for the next week with light winds. I expect this will help with the catch rates.

It feels like for the most part that the halibut have slowed a bit, unless you ask Mike or Gary and Kevin. A few of the boats this past week hit home runs with the halibut. The biggest for the week was 139 lbs.

Silver salmon have been caught out in front of Three Hill and some went down by Yakobi Rock. Limits were had several days. They seem to be in the top 60’ of water.

Mary and the kids went home last week, school started yesterday. We will somehow try and survive without them. More work to be done by less hands, but we will make it, just a couple weeks left. Time to start thinking about hunting 4 legged creatures!




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