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Aug 16th

This morning I ran into one of our guests that has fished with us 13 years in a row, he grabs my arm and says this is the best Silver fishing I have ever seen.  Last night at Prime rib dinner Mark from Texas told me this was the best weather and best day fishing he has ever had.  I think it is safe to say the Silvers/Coho seemed to have finally showed up.  Late very late, but they seem to be here now.  Gaff Rock and Three Hill seem to be the hot spots, does not seem to matter what you use.  Deep Sixes are working great.

Halibut was slow for some this week, but others did really good.  127 lbs was the biggest for this group.

Weather has been hot and sunny.  Very nice to feel the sun, July was so wet it feels good to have some heat.

I have said this before, but it needs said again.  If this is your first time please do some research.  Look at the map, look at the links on our website.  If you have never trolled before go to this link - - You cannot prepare enough, and yes it makes a big difference.  We will do what we can to teach you, but you are in the boat by yourselves, it is up to youw to watch the map not just the depth finder to make sure you are in deep enough water for your down riggers.  There are many little things that you can do before hand that make such a huge difference in your fishing success.

A final suggestion I have for the first timers.  Do not promise to have a family or neighborhood fish fry.  It puts a lot of pressure on you catching fish, come up and fish, have a good time and if you catch a boat load of fish, then announce the big get together.

For 2026 I am working on getting everyone in the week they want before I release/open it to new guests.  Please send me an email, if you are thinking about 2026?




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