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Aug 10th

This morning we have a 25 kt West wind to deal with, guests are fishing on the inside waters but no one is going to Cross Sound today. The last week has been absolutely great for weather.  Sunny beautiful summer weather.  Many guests said it was the best weather they have ever seen in all their trips.

A bit of a change for the Silver Salmon but not much, still way below normal for the Silver Salmon.  Pinks are still being caught, I expect them to slow down anytime they should be going up the streams now in full force.

Still catching King Salmon we had several nice ones come in this week.

Halibut is right on pace for our average, we had some nice fish come in this week. Cape Spencer, Saddle were soem hot spots.

Ling Cod seem to be very plentiful, had many guests get their ling cod this week.

Whales are everywhere it seems like.  Idaho Inlet Dundas Bay, South Pass all have many humpbacks in them right now.  I went fishing with Jake and Mary and we had a baby well come right close to the boat to check us out.  Very amazing to see these huge creatures.




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