April 19th Update
Sunny Sunny Southeast Alaska!! It has been sunny since Jeremy and I arrived in Juneau. We have attempted to stay up and see the Northern Lights but struck out both times. Things look good up here, no major winter damage. All the buildings have water and heat. Chris (Manhatten Plumbing) again did a great job. Chris has winterized the lodge every year, and continues to do a great job, no leaks in the spring makes it very nice! Snow is melting fast there are some snow banks on the beaches still in places that do not get much sun. The big black clouds of pink salmon fry are everywhere. In the harbor the Dolly Varden are seen chasing them, lots of ducks and birds migrating also, saw some cranes fly over. We hope to get fishing next week! Our first guests arrive May 30th got a lot to do!
