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Sep 4th Fishing Update

Sep 4th Fishing Update

Friday morning, the sun is out and blue skies! I really like and hate September weather. The week started out with another tough Sunday getting guests into Elfin Cove. Float planes would not fly on Sunday, so again Allen Marine came to our rescue. They had another trip they were on so it was not till 5:30pm they were ready to take us to Elfin Cove. The Catamaran got into Elfin Cove around 10:30pm, yes it was very dark. Guests went right to bed very tired. The next morning we woke up to the storm still raging, 30 kt winds. Tuesday was a bit better for wind but the open ocean was still swelling. Wednesday and Thursday were much better and Friday was a normal day.

Silver/Coho salmon were not hot this week. The peak of the run is yet to come, it looks as if this year we will leave without seeing the peak of the silver run.

Halibut was not red hot either this week. Halibut seemed to be hard to find. The rough sea conditions did not help. Biggest halibut was 82 lbs.


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