Feb 25th Update
Wow February went by fast! it won't be long and we will be fishing again!! The new Stabi Craft boats just left New Zealand, we hope to have them rigged and ready to go by middle May. We are planning on getting the rest of the boats out of hibernation May 4th.
When is the best time to fish? A question often asked. What is even more amazing is how the answer varies so greatly depending on who you ask. For me I would choose either end of June or late August and even September. June is King Season! I can troll all day in hopes of getting that one big king! And Halibut are hungry in June, very fun to fish for Halibut in June. September is great because of the big Coho! Halibut is a bit slower but the Coho make up for it! Oddly enough these are the weeks I have openings?? I know crazy, I guess I need to polish up my sales skills. As of today this is what we have open still some great weeks open for 2020! Three more Show to go - Boise Idaho, Scottsdale Arizona, Sandy Utah.