June 12th week
So on Monday we had a boat that got zoomed out on their GPS and so it was hard to see the detail they needed to see, they managed to find the float plane dock but could not find their way back to the inner harbor to dock the boat. We were all thinking oh know this is going to be a long week, these guys do not know how to fish. All of those thoughts were washed away when Jerry brought back in a 210 lb Halibut! You now that look a little kid gets on Christmas morning just after they have opened a gift that they really wanted. Yea that is the look Jerry had on his face when he came in with that huge Halibut! It was really a neat experience to share in his joy and excitement.
One thing you have to realize when fishing in Elfin Cove for halibut is that this is not the nursery! When you are fishing you may go for hours with not a bit and then get a big one. Be patient be consistent with your fish approach and you will get one. We had a group from Sacramento area and the first day they did not do very well at all. The second day they hit the ball out of the park with 3 halibut over 100 lbs. We also had an 8.5 lb Black Rockfish brought in. Red can, Dundas, Texas were the hot spots for halibut! So far we are at 50%! 50% of Waters Edge Lodge Guests have caught a trophy halibut!
We are still seeing Silvers/Coho, not limits but one here and there. Pinks and Chums have also been caught but not in great numbers yet.
Kings so far have been slower than last year. And the open ocean was not the best this week, so it limited our travels to the good king fishing. Also the halibut fishing was so good I think it was hard for the guests to pull away and devote the time needed to get the kings. We had one boat get a limit of kings one day and another day we had half a limit in another boat. I am expecting this next week to really change for the Kings. Trolling deep for the kings some were caught in 120' down on the down rigger.
Weather was another huge factor this week, we always hope for sunny conditions, but this week it was almost to much. When moving in the boat you had to put your rain gear on but as soon as you stop the boat it was down to a T Shirt. Very hot conditions 76 one day, and 73 another day, that is very hot for us here. Hopefully this next week will be more normal conditions with some rain. Thank you to all the guests this past week, it was a ton of fun, hope to see you all again in Elfin Cove!