Alaska Airlines added mid day flights Yahoo!!
It looks it will be flight 177 leaving at 1:40pm. There is also a pretty good sale going on right now with Alaska Air Lines.

Halibut Week! June 9 - 15 2021
I am going Halibut Fishing on June 9th, high tide is at 1:50pm and is a 8.95 ft. Leave Elfin Cove around 8:00am and fish all the way...

2021 Openings
I have had some cancelations recently. Check this link to see our current openings.
Very much looking forward to 2021! We feel very grateful to all of our guests who were able to fish with us last summer. We feel very...
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone. Alaska Airlines is doing a friends and family sale for travel between January 5, 2021...

Alaska Airlines changes
This past week Alaska Airlines made some changes with their schedule. We are hoping that they change this soon, they took away the...

Fish & Chips...yes please!
After a summer of being spoiled having dinner prepared by our lodge chefs (Thank you Bruce, Jake & Bronco) we like to get home and play...

2021 Transportation Changes
Oct 2 Update We have committed to charter a Catamaran for the 2021 summer season for transportation to and from Juneau. We had been...
Smoked Salmon and Saying Good Bye
It has been an amazing season; we have enjoyed seeing many of you and sharing in your excitement of fish caught. Some of you were not...

Sep 4th Fishing Update
Sep 4th Fishing Update Friday morning, the sun is out and blue skies! I really like and hate September weather. The week started out...