June 26th Fishing Update
June 26th Fishing Update The Noble Eagle is now our mode of transportation to and from Juneau. Mary and I very pleased with it! Captain...

June 25 Fishing Update
June 25th Fishing Update The weather changes everything. We had some very sunny days and now we are seeing the opposite side of sunny....

Things You can get FIRED for!
I apologize to all of you that obey the speed limit and have never done anything wrong. I am forced to talk about this in hopes that we...

June 18 Fishing Update
I guess I should have waited another day to do a fishing update! 13 years ago Logan worked for Mary and I in Excursion Inlet, nice to...

June 17 Fishing Update
I think this has been the hottest day of the year so far for us. I saw on my phone 64 degrees. Doors and windows open for sure today. ...

June 13 Fishing Update
The open ocean does get glassy calm! Wow what a photo looking from Cape Spencer to South Pass. I got some photos of a pretty big Brown...

June 11th Fishing Update
When you look at the marine forecast for Cross Sound ( https://marine.weather.gov/MapClick.php?zoneid=PKZ022#.YMPRDi-cZBx ) and it has...

June 9th Fishing Update
Wow what a start to the fishing season! King salmon are in down the coast. Some were caught 65' down on the down rigger, mostly with...

Kings & Halibut
Lets go fishing! Kings are in and Halibut are going crazy! We have had some wet weather but the last two days were sunny. Limits of...

June 4th Fishing Update
June 4 2021 Its been wet the last few days. Hoping for some sunshine this next week. Our temps have been around the 50 degree mark. We...